Background of Bangkok, Thailand



🚨 Destination Closed Scam

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💬 A taxi or tuk tuk driver will claim the destination you want to visit is closed today but he'll take you to another destination, possibly mentioning a discounted rate. They will instead take you to multiple places and keep stopping at a variety of shops that give them a gift (e.g. petrol vouchers) for sending customers through the door

💡 Do you research in advance and check for closures. If the driver advises a destination is closed but you know it is open, try another driver

🚨 Fake Monks Scam

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💬 In Thailand, there are a variety of fake monks who will approach you and ask for donations. They may also ask for money for a “blessing” or some other form of spiritual support.

💡 It is important to note that true monks in Thailand never approach people on the street to ask for money. If you are approached, it is likely a scam and you should politely decline the offer.

🚨 Friendly Scammers

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💬 Friendly scammers will approach you with a seemingly innocent conversation, and then later ask for money or something else of value. They may act like your “friend” and offer to help you find something in exchange for payment.

💡 Avoid taking any offers from people you’re unfamiliar with. Also be sure to not carry more cash than you need in case you do get scammed.

🚨 Taxi Scams

💬 Taxi scams are a common way for drivers to take advantage of tourists, usually by purposely taking longer routes and charging a much higher price than is reasonable.

💡 Be sure to pre-confirm the rate with drivers, or use services such as Grab, that are safe and reliable.

🚨 Rubber Check Scams

💬 This type of scam involves a seller accepting a fake check in exchange for goods or services. Once the check clears and the goods are delivered, the seller finds that the check was a fake, and the goods have been sold for nothing.

💡 If the check or money order appears fishy, refuse it and ask for a different form of payment. Try to get payment that you can trace, such as credit card or Moneygram.

🚨 Fake Police Scams

💬 One scam often seen in Thailand (and other countries) is fake police officers. These people will approach you and act as if they are real police officers. They will often ask for identification, then inspect it and refuse to give it back until you pay them a “fine”.

💡 Be aware of what police officers normally wear and how they act. If in doubt, you can always ask to see an official identification card.

🚨 The Palace is Closed Scam

💬 If you go to visit the Grand Palace in Bangkok, you might be approached by a "friendly" local who will tell you that the palace is closed today. Even if you start walking away they might follow you and continue convincing you that it is closed. When they get a tourist to believe them they try to get them on a tuk tuk ride or take them a store to buy souvenir or to some other place. They usually get commission in these stores. The Grand Palace in Bangkok is entirely almost never closed, only when being used for state functions, which rarely occurs and you can check online before heading there.

💡 Go straight to the main entrance of the palace and proceed to the official ticket booth to buy to your ticket. If anyone tries to tell you about the palace being closed, politely say no and continue walking to the official entrance of the palace where you can see for yourself if it is closed.

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