Background of Dublin, Ireland



🚨 Taxi Driver Overcharging

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💬 Some taxi drivers will deliberately take the longest route possible in order to overcharge their customers.

💡 Confirm the fare with the driver before getting into the taxi and always ask for a printed receipt.

🚨 Fake Beggars

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💬 Fake beggars often work in teams to try and get more money out of tourists. They usually pick high-traffic areas where they can approach visitors.

💡 Be aware of your surroundings and don’t give money to suspicious-looking people asking for charity.

🚨 Fake Artifacts

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💬 Tourists may be approached by people selling fake artifacts, claiming they’re authentic and of historical importance.

💡 Only purchase authentic artifacts from reputable sources.

🚨 Pickpocketing

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💬 Pickpocketing is a popular scam where thieves take advantage of crowded areas to try and steal valuables.

💡 Be aware of your surroundings and don’t keep all of your money in one place.

🚨 Fake Parking Tickets

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💬 Some scam artists may try to trick tourists into paying for fake parking tickets.

💡 Make sure to only pay for parking at an officially approved pay station or other authorized locations.

🚨 Tax Refund Fraud

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💬 Scammers pretend to be employees of the Irish tax office and try to get tourists to give them money or personal information.

💡 The Irish tax office will never contact you to ask for money or your personal details.

Do you know of a scam that's missing?