Background of Japan, Tokyo Prefecture東京都


Tokyo Prefecture東京都

🚨 The Watari Yokin Scam

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💬 This scam is often run by those trying to buy or sell electronics. The seller will offer the buyer a 'watari yokin' discount, which is a type of payment that offers a discounted price if it's paid in cash. The problem is that once they pay with cash, the seller vanishes with the money and the goods, leaving the buyer with nothing.

💡 Be suspicious of any discounts that require cash payments. Insist on making all payments with a credit card or other secure payment method.

🚨 Fake Night Club Scam

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💬 Usually carried out by beautiful young women, or the Nigerian men that lurk around Shinjuku and Shibuya. They will try to entice you to come to their club where at best will charge you a huge cover charge and high drink prices, and at worst drug you and demand that you pay them large amounts of money you owe them (sometimes upwards of 300,000 yen).

💡 Be very weary of people who approach you on the street asking to take you to their night club. The legitimate businesses trying to get people into their restuarant or bar usually do not approach foreigners so if someone approaches you about coming to their bar or club, politely decline.

🚨 Fake Taxis

💬 There are reports that some unlicensed taxi services in Tokyo are picking up unsuspecting tourists and charging exorbitant rates. It is important to make sure that your taxi is legitimate before entering the vehicle.

💡 Be sure to use licensed taxis with green registration plates and authorized taxi meters. Make sure that the taxi is registered with the Tokyo taxi association and check the pricing rates before getting in.

🚨 Pickpocketing

💬 Pickpocketing is a common scam targeting unsuspecting tourists in Japan. Be extra cautious when in crowded public areas such as train stations or tourist attractions.

💡 Be aware of your surroundings and check your bag or valuables often. Carry your bag in front of your body and store your valuables in a bag that zips or snaps shut.

🚨 The “Friendly Local” Scam

💬 In this scam, a friendly local will approach tourists in tourist-heavy areas and try to befriend them. The local will then offer to take the tourist to a local spot or restaurant where they, unfortunately, end up paying inflated and unnecessary prices.

💡 Be cautious of those who are overly friendly and offer to take you out. Do your research beforehand, and be aware of menu prices at common restaurants.

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